Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Please Welcome Becky Higgins!!

As I sit here to type this blog post I'm a bit in awe.

You see... I've been a scrapbooker for well over 12 years and Becky Higgins was a big( maybe HUGE) part of many of those years! She wrote idea books I poured over, had amazing fonts we could download and inspired endless nights of scrapbooking with her crisp, clean layouts and ideas!

For those that are not familiar with Becky, she is an incredibly talented gal who was a contributer for Creating Keepsakes Magazine. The magazine that yes...personally changed my life.

Well Becky's life has changed over the years, husband, children, moving across country, and now she has her own venture...Project Life!

I invite you to click here to learn more about her and yes of course... visit Becky's blog to enter to win a Picture Keeper!

 Thanks Becky for including Picture Keeper in your Big Week of Giveaways!!

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